sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2016

What is the best virtual tour solution

As long as you are actually looking for a virtual tour solution that would improve the productivity of your company, then the most important place where you should start looking is the marketing or sales departments, where a better efficiency would be able to drive interesting gains from a profitability point of view.

Besides the fact that all the relevant companies in this industry are always the ones that are the most conservative (at least in the real estate industry) then I could tell you for sure that there will not be any kind of possibility to fail of course, if you are going to implement a modern software solution, that has a great look & feel, that has all the newest technological gimmicks and also has great features from a functionality point of view.

During our last months of testing (where we took into consideratiion all the interesting aspects of ux and features, but also ease of use) – all the software solutions that can be found in the Real Estate industry, and also in the industry related to presentations, tours, travel and some other where the visual can be a very important sales factor, then Tour Wizard qualified as the best software solution that can be implemented as a virtual tour creator, with the sole purpose of attracting more customers, to improve the look of the website and so on.

Due to the fact that we made an extensive research in this area, we tested other solutions as well, some of them pretty old, but not so advanced from a features point of view.

When we had to draw a line regarding the Tour Wizard and other similar software solutions as well – solutions that are generating virtual tours like the Tour Wizard – we realised that er need to have a special ingredient in the user experience field, as it is way more crucial to have a software that can be straightforward and easy to use than a software solution that has all the things needed, is user friendly and able to to all the necessary things. 

marți, 23 august 2016

Renovarea este un proces care se efectueaza de cele mai multe ori la 5 ani

Orice persoana care detine o locuinta, la un moment dat isi va dori sa o renoveze pentru a o pastra in pas cu tendintele, sa fie cat mai primitoare si mai confortabila. Renovarea este un proces care se efectueaza de cele mai multe ori la 5 ani sau chiar la 10 ani, in functie de bugetul fiecare familii, iar totul incepe, de regula prin schimbarea mobilei, intrucat aceasta joaca un rol important in redarea atmosferei dintr-un spatiu.
In plus, multe persoane se orienteaza si catre usi de balcon mai eficiente, care sa tina la distanta zgomotele nedorite din timpul zilei si al noptii. Mai mult, daca sunt moderne, acestea aduc si economii pe durata iernii si a verii, intrucat joaca un rol important in asigurarea unei temperaturi stabile in interior, fara a fi influentata de cele din exterior. Asadar, iernile vor fi mult mai placute cand afara sunt -10 grade, iar in locuinta +22, in timp ce condensul nu va reprezenta o problema. De asemenea, si verile vor fi mult mai usor de suportat, chiar daca temperaturile de afara ajung sa depaseasca 35 de grade, pentru ca in locuinta se va pastra o temperatura constanta in jurul valorii de 23 de grade.
Diferite posibilitati

Aceste usi de balcon se gasesc in diferite forme, de cele mai multe ori fiind facute la comanda pentru a se potrivi in cele mai bune conditii in orice spatiu. In plus, acestea pot fi fabricate din materiale variate, fiecare dintre acestea avand diferite avantaje si dezavantaje. Poate ca cele mai populare usi de balcon sunt cele din PVC, intrucat acest material poate fi personalizat pana la cele mai mici detalii, astfel incat sa se potriveasca de minune in orice spatiu. Mai mult decat atat, PVC-ul promite o buna izolare termica si fonica pentru mai mult confort.

luni, 22 august 2016

A short review of tourwizard.net

Oh well... this is the day when I am going to tell you the story of Tour Wizard, which is basically the story of a software solution that I was testing in the last couple of weeks in my free time - and in fact I was testing it due to the fact that I want to sell my apartment and I thing that doing social media advertising will really help me in accomplishing my goals.

Now... it is pretty complicated to understand my goals - as in fact I was pushed by the social media features that I would want to use in the advertising process to searching for a proper software that would allow me ot create a great listing, and then to also take care of my marketing efforts.

Ant to be honest, when I fist saw the concept of virtual tour software I did not give a damn, I was evaluating those as some exclusivist software packages that are mainly used by very rich companies, wich of course it was very wrong.

In fact, by using the Tour Wizard real estate virtual tour software solution I was able to create a great listing for my house and also to promote that "listing" (which is in fact a virtual tour) in all the interesting medias that I wanted to.

And the marketing capabilities of this software solution are not only the singular strong point, as in fact the ease of use is also a selling point, as a virtual tour creator does not need any design or programming skills, or if there are some less intuitive steps in the process of creating a listing, there is always a support team that will offer very valuable tips and insights in order to do your job properly.

I have really been impressed with Tour Wizard and I really wish them luck with their software solution.

duminică, 21 august 2016

Fotografia este o arta

Fotografia este arta de a obtine imagini vizuale permanente pentru o gama larga de scopuri creative, tehnice și de documentare. Exemplele de continut de imagine includ nunta, botezul, evenimente, fotografii de familie si cu copii, moda, produse alimentare, arhitectura si peisaje. Daca sunteti in cautarea unui artist desavarsit in acest domeniu, care sa stie sa integreze si sa lucreze in diferite situatii sau cu numerosi oameni, Laurentiu Gales este o alegere potrivita.
Personalitatea, perseverenta si rabdarea sunt esentiale, iar de cele mai multe ori este nevoie de daruire pentru a obtine rezultatul asteptat. In ultimii ani, impactul tehnologiei digitale a revolutionat industria, iar in multe domenii, cum ar fi fotografia editoriala, tehnologia digitala domina. Din acest motiv, un fotograf pofestionist precum Laurentiu Gales va acorda o atentie deosebita noilor gadgeturi de pe piata pentru a satisface nevoile clientilor sai. Totodata, in prezent este o noua moda ca imaginile ce urmeaza sa fie furnizate in format digital de catre fotograf, sa poata fi editate profesional folosind pachete de software, cum ar fi Adobe Photoshop.
Experienta de munca
Este practic esential ca fotograful sa aiba o experienta semnificativa de lucru atunci cand isi doreste sa fie angajat. Este nevoie de un portofoliu profesional impresionant si bine pus la punct, care ar putea fi online, in format digital pe CD sau in format fizic, traditional. Indiferent de formatul portofoliului pentru care artistul opteaza, acesta trebuie sa fie relevant pentru domeniul ales, iar fotografiile sa fie bine alese si sa fie in mod constant actualizat.
Voluntariatul, participarea la evenimente, fototografiile spontane si munca de proiect cu alti fotografi sau angajatori sunt relevante si de asemenea constituie modalitati importante de a obtine experienta si abilitati. Prin urmare, un fotograf care are un portofoliu bogat, cu cat mai multe imagini reusite va demonstra ca are experienta si priceperea de care au nevoie potentialii clienti.